What cortisol is, and how it affects the body?

We are living in challenging and strange times, spending most of our day at work without any minute of proper rest, worrying all the time about what people around us will say. The only thing it causes is stress. Sometimes, it can cause panic attacks, insomnia, eating disorders, or severe health problems when it lasts for a long time. Do we know how stress affects our bodies and what are the ways to deal with it?

The suspect – cortisol.
You are probably wondering right now what it is? Stress is a natural body reaction. When something stressful is happening in your life, your blood starts to flow stress hormone called cortisol. It’s preparing your body for the fight or flight situation. During the danger, it’s best what the body can do to help you deal with it.

Silent killer.
However, you have to understand that in nature, it’s rare this case. Nowadays, scientists agree that people have the highest cortisol level in all history. What’s more, the high level is constantly maintained. Cortisol affects high glucose levels in your muscles, which help you save your life, but it can be a risk factor for diabetes and obesity when it lasts for a long time.
Next will be sleep problems. Because of high blood pressure, it won’t be easy to rest. A rush of thoughts will be hard to stop, but at the same time, your memory will be much worse as the muscles are using all the glucose that is needed in the brain.
Then if the stress level is still high, you can have problems with libido, you are more likely to have an episode of depression, stomach problems, and you can easier get sick, as your immune system is less effective.

What is essential is to release the stressors, relax and let your body come back to normality. How can you do it?

Meditation is a great way to relax. You can try to start with just 3 minutes. Just 3 minutes of quiet focusing on breathing can make a huge difference.
Workout. It’s also a great idea if you want to get rid of stress. Your muscle will have a chance to use all the glucose fully, and you will feel relief. It can be jogging in the park or a hard workout in a gym. The place and type of exercise are up to you.
Yoga. Such a great idea to relax. Stretching will also help your body. But yoga is more than a workout. Connected with deep focusing on breathing is a perfect way to stop the thoughts. Read more ways to practice yoga in our article.
Contact with nature. During stress, nature is something that can make you calmer. Give yourself a chance to breathe pure air deep in the forest, somewhere on a lovely beach or wherever you want. Even a park in the city can be good. During that, focus on breathing, on a touch of the wind on your face, on the sounds of nature. You will feel relief for sure.

Use our tips and give yourself a feeling of calmness. Choose whatever gives you the chance to relax, maybe a walk in the park or massage. It’s up to you. Just don’t let the cortisol and the stress ruin your life and your health.

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