Spine – a quick guide on how to care for it?

Millions of people all over the world are suffering because of back pain. For most of them, this torture starts when they should sleep, causing problems with falling asleep or waking them up in the middle of the night. Why do people have issues with that? What are the causes and how to make your life better by living without the pain?

What is wrong with my back?

Did you ever wonder how humans may be the only species that can walk on feet with a straight back and without help? It’s the merit of our spine. This column built from 33-34 vertebrae connected to the muscles allows us to have an excellent stable gait and free hands.
Unfortunately more and more because of bad posture, lack of exercises and other reasons people starts to complain about back pain.
Suppose you are suffering because of intense back pain. In that case, the best will be a visit to a physiotherapy clinic, where professionals will take care of you, and they will find the correct cause of your problem. But if you have a slight problem like pain from time to time, we can try to help you.

Try to focus on the time when you feel pain and what exactly happened before?
If you feel pain just after you wake up, the cause of the problem can be in your mattress. Remember that your bed is supposed to be a place where you are recovering after all day of work. Choose a good bed that you will like. Go to the shop and try all the different types to pick the best.
If the problem begins when you are lifting something heavy, it means that you were probably doing it wrong. If you are just bending yourself, with your legs straight and like taking weights, it’s a straightforward way to have back pain. To take something from a floor, stand on both legs and make a squat, keep your back straight all the time, take the object, and straighten up using all the strength in your legs.
If you feel back pain after a long workday, it’s one solution. You have to find more time for workouts. Your muscles need to move. It’s why they were created. Long hours in the office in front of a computer, mainly in the wrong position, can cause pain. You can read about the threats of a sedentary lifestyle in our article.

What is the solution?

● Workout time! At least 3 times per week, and we are not saying about killing yourself at the gym. Trust us, even an hour of walking or light jogging it’s excellent. In fact, besides the regular activities you do daily, you should walk every day to keep your body in good condition.
● Work smart. Try to make your desk and chair as comfortable as possible and make a small break every 15-20 min. The only thing you have to do to stand up for a few seconds or make a few steps. That’s it!
● Choose your bed wisely. Make sure it’s comfortable, and it’s not annoying for you. If you add a good pillow, you have a recipe for a perfect sleep.

Keep those tips in mind if you are suffering from back pain. Remember to pay attention to all your symptoms. If you feel bad and have problems with your lower limbs, like you sometimes lose the feeling of your legs, you should go to the physiotherapist to take a treatment.

2 thoughts on “Spine – a quick guide on how to care for it?”

  1. Great article! I appreciate the clear and insightful perspective you’ve shared. It’s fascinating to see how this topic is developing. For those interested in diving deeper, I found an excellent resource that expands on these ideas: check it out here. Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and continuing the discussion!

  2. This was a fascinating read! The author’s perspective brought new dimensions to the topic. I wonder how others view this issue. What are your thoughts?

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