A sedentary lifestyle is that dangerous?

Sedentary lifestyle – threats

In the 21st century, all our life is connected to work. We spend most of our time during the day in the sitting position in front of a computer. Do you really know how it can affect your life? Read our article about sedentary lifestyle threats and change your habits to enjoy a longer and happier life.

How does sitting position affect your body?

● In general, you have a more significant risk of heart disease if you spend your life sitting. During long periods of sitting, your heart slows down. Your muscles don’t need as much blood as during the activities. That’s the reason why your arteries and veins are more exposed to the formation of fatty deposits inside, which can cause clogs.
● Unfortunately, long hours of sitting can increase the risk of a diabetic. Your body produces insulin all the time, but inactive muscles don’t react with it correctly. That’s why the level of insulin in the blood is higher and higher what causes diabetics.
● You probably know that feeling in your legs if you are sitting too long. It’s like pins and needles. It’s a sign that your legs don’t flow enough blood. It’s maybe not enjoyable, but you are not scared. You will just change a position for a moment. However, it’s more dangerous than you think. Your legs need to be used. It’s the role given by nature and something significant if it comes to your health. The lack of movement may tent to even troubles with bones density. So you should every 20 min make a break to move and even stand for a while.
● Also, even your spine has a hard life while sitting. Your intervertebral discs are squeezed what makes them easier dehydrated and not well nourished. It means that your spine will not get enough stabilization.
You will also feel pain in your neck, which makes a lousy position, mainly when you are working in front of the computer. You can feel pain also in the back. It’s caused by high tension in the back muscles because of their prolonged contraction. Especially one muscle which is connecting the neck and back ( trapezius) can be extremely painful.

How can I help myself?

● Make a small break every 15-20 min. During that, stand up and straighten your back. You can make a few small steps or squats( it will activate your hunkers again and relax a pelvis).
● If you can change your chair into a big ball, it would be awesome. An unstable surface like that will help you to keep a good posture because your muscle will have to be contracted all the time. It will also make you feel tired easier but keep in mind that actually, you will have a good workout all the time.
● Stretch yourself. It’s perfect for your muscles as it keeps their elasticity and makes them stronger. You can use yoga exercises. Some of the asanas are perfect for that. Or even a few simple movements to reduce the tension will help.
Take the position on hands and knees. Breathe normally, then when you inhale, round up your back. Do it slowly and keep this position for a second. Then exhale deeply and do the opposite movement. Bend your back in a bow. Make a few repeats.

How to sit correctly?
● Don’t slant over your desk. Keep your back straight.
● Try to relax your shoulders by keeping your arms on the desk, close to the body.
● If you feel pain in the lumbar spine, you can put a pillow between your back and a chair. It should give better stability and reduce pain.
● Put both feet on the floor, or use a little footrest. Don’t put one leg on another because it will slow the blood flow and cause varicose veins.

Move! Workout is the best way to reduce all the risks connected to a sedentary lifestyle. Go for a walk every day, ride a bike or simply run. You don’t have to do anything special. It’s so easy to make your life longer and happier. So after work, instead of watching TV, go out and care for your body.

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